So... for my next photo project our assignment is to portray a contemporary issue.
That could range from anything from the economy to anorexia.
I was having a lot of trouble figuring out what I was going to do when suddenly the photography fairy blessed me with some good luck as I was driving down State Street last night.
Who did I see on the side of the road holding up a very conspicuous sign?
That's who.
I stepped WAY out of my comfort zone on this one...
I pretty much jumped and ran from my preverbal comfort zone border!
I may or may not have called Sara to give me some advice but other than that I was on my own!
I should have gone and gotten someone to come with me but it was sunset and every minute I was losing light... the photographer in me said to go for it... So I did!
I walked straight up to this man that never in my life (coming from my very conservative/sheltered background) have I had barely any experience with. I asked him if he would be willing to talk to me and tell me his story and if it would be alright if I took his picture in hopes to bring light to his situation... He was down... after I gave him some money of course.
I expected him to give me a little synopsis but nope.
Ken started from the beginning
He was from Mississippi but had to go to Las Vegas for his uncle funeral but their camper broke down and it took them 4 and 1/2 months to fix it. Meanwhile he was stuck in Sin City and his wife and three kids went back home and found a new husband.
He got a divorce. Started living in his trailer in Las Vegas, was a panhandler because he "couldn't get a job" and had some run-ins with some interesting people and had his fair share of troubles. He ended up coming up to SLC last summer with his girlfriend that is from Utah and he said that the generous people up here made for a very good summer on the streets... (Just goes to show being homeless in Mormonville is the way to go)
Anyways he went back to Las Vegas, had some more troubles and then finally found himself back in Utah trying to find a place to sleep at night.
Turns out I ended up talking to him for a good 20 minutes.
Probably one of the most interesting experiences of my life.
I am glad I did it.
I am even more glad that the film turned out. I was really nervous.
It's like an adrenaline rush every time I open that developing canister to see if any of the film turned out.
Anyways that is my little story involving my adventure.
Hopefully I will be able to show more later.
love it. proud of you. perfect picture.